One of the shows highlights came from The Kangaroo Kid, two times Guinness World Record holder of the Longest Ramp Jump on a Quad Bike, who stopped the audience’s hearts with his highly technical maneuvers and bold jaw dropping stunts on his powerful quad bike.
滙演最經典的其中一幕,由曾經以四輪越野車創下「飛越最長斜道」兩項健力士世界紀錄之特技奇才 The Kangaroo Kid特別獻技,在《狂電派》特製之越野車上,創作出多個突破技術限制的超難度表演,挑戰觀眾的感官極限。
演出中最经典的一幕,由曾经以四轮越野车创下“飞越最长斜道”两项吉尼斯世界纪录的特技奇才 The Kangaroo Kid特别献技,在《狂电派》特制的越野车上,创作出多个突破技术限制的超高难度表演,挑战观众的感官极限。